Food Ideas for Your Dorm Room

Food Ideas for Your Dorm Room

It’s time to eat! Making your own meals can be a bit overwhelming if you're not comfortable cooking. The following meal ideas can make the challenge easier. Bagel Breakfast. You'll need bagels and flavored cream...
Sorority Situation - 4 Tips on Living in a Fraternity or Sorority House

Sorority Situation - 4 Tips on Living in a Fraternity or Sorority House

Being a fraternity or sorority member does not necessarily mean you have to live in the group house. You can choose to live in a dorm, off campus or at home. It's your decision. You...
Adding Pazazz to Your Bedroom

Adding Pazazz to Your Bedroom

Just because you're living in a dorm room doesn't mean your bed has to look ordinary or cheap. You can easily create an luxurious look by adding a few pieces to your bedding. These additions...
The Freshman 15: The Secrets on How to Beat (or Lose!) the Weight You Gain at College

The Freshman 15: The Secrets on How to Beat (or Lose!) the Weight You Gain at College

You can blame bad genes, your dorm-mate shrinking your jeans or a whole host of reasons why college made you fat. If you keep whining about your weight and making up excuses for it, however,...
Dorm Room Essentials Checklist

Dorm Room Essentials Checklist

Figuring out just what to bring to college might be the single most stressful thing that any college student goes through. How do you pack an entire 18 years of your life into one room,...
Get Involved on Campus

Get Involved on Campus

College is the first time most students are out on their own without their parent’s guidance. Once you step foot on your college campus, it’s a great idea to start thinking about ways you can...