What Size is a Twin XL Bed?

What Size is a Twin XL Bed?

Twin extra long beds are very common in college dorms and hospitals. The dimensions for a Twin XL sized mattress are 39" x 80", which is five inches longer than the normal twin. This allows college students the perfect amount of extra room for their feet. Not only are twin extra long beds easily made available by the online manufacturers but also their accessories can easily be found, such as twin extra long sheets and twin extra long mattress pads.

When buying a mattress pad for your Twin XL mattress you must make sure it is in fact a size Twin XL. Although some accessories can fluctuate between the two sizes, your mattress pad must pair exactly with size of the mattress. One important thing to consider when purchasing a mattress pad is the depth of your mattress. The standard depth of a dorm mattress is about 7-14 inches, although it can vary from school to school.

Most twin extra long sheet sets come with three items. They include the (1) fitted sheet, (1) flat sheet and usually a pillowcase. The fitted sheet is the most important of the three. The dimensions of the Twin XL fitted sheets are 39" x 80", the same as the mattress. This is because these are made to fit perfectly around the mattress itself, hence the name "fitted". The flat sheet on the other hand is less important because a normal twin flat sheet can fit just as well as a Twin XL. And same goes for the pillowcase, most sets contain a "standard" pillowcase which is the most common form of pillows.

Twin extra long sheets are available in different fabrics and colors giving the wide option for users to make the best choice. Twin XL sheets are found in microfiber flannel, linen, fleece, organic cotton, jersey and more.

Do not be afraid to experiment with different patterns and colors as there is an exciting range available. Twin extra long sheets are available in different solid colors, such as lavender, sand, turquoise and red. So, go ahead and choose the one that goes well with your dorm room.