What Size is a Twin XL Bed?

What Size is a Twin XL Bed?

Twin extra long beds are very common in college dorms and hospitals. The dimensions for a Twin XL sized mattress are 39" x 80", which is five inches longer than the normal twin. This allows...
What is the Best College Major for You?

What is the Best College Major for You?

When choosing your college major it's important to keep in mind that it's best to choose an area that you you have a passion for and that will enjoy studying. 1. Think about your previous...
Eco-Dorm: 10 Easy Ways to a Greener Eco-Friendly Dorm Room

Eco-Dorm: 10 Easy Ways to a Greener Eco-Friendly Dorm Room

Never before has there been such awareness of the need for "greener" ways of working and living in order to preserve the future of our planet. Just about any area of life can be made...
College Visits and Tours: All You Need to Know

College Visits and Tours: All You Need to Know

As mid August approaches high school seniors should already have a good idea on what type of school they want to attend. Now is the time to start planning those exhilarating visits and getting ready...
Laundry Tips for Twin XL Sheets

Laundry Tips for Twin XL Sheets

Life at college usually includes doing your own laundry. This job may seem a bit overwhelming but by following some simple steps, you can make it much easier.   Before you put any of your...
Getting a Good Nights Sleep in College Improves Performance

Getting a Good Nights Sleep in College Improves Performance

Getting the right amount of sleep is difficult for many people let alone students having to cram for exams. Not getting enough sleep can cause many problems including issues with studies. When you're in college,...
The Ins and the Outs of College Move in Day

The Ins and the Outs of College Move in Day

You've planned for months, made countless trips to your local Target or Wal-Mart, texted your future roommate about a hundred times and now it's finally here. Move in day is probably the biggest mix of...
History of The College Dorm Room

History of The College Dorm Room

For centuries now, the college experience has long been associated with living in dormitories. From the first university in the United States the modern colleges and universities of today, students have had the opportunity and...
A Few Tips for Getting Along with Your Freshman Roommate

A Few Tips for Getting Along with Your Freshman Roommate

Move-in day on your campus and there is an exciting buzz in the air. This is the day that you will move in to a tiny room with your roommate you don't know. Your first...